


    Last Updated: December 18, 2023

    Iron is an essential mineral best known for helping red blood cells to carry oxygen. Except in the case of deficiency, iron supplementation has no proven benefit; on the contrary, it can lead to side effects and increased oxidative stress.

    Iron is most often used for .

    What is iron?

    Iron is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. It occurs naturally in various foods such as oysters, legumes, chocolate, spinach, beef, and potatoes, and is added to some foods (e.g., cereals) as a fortification measure. Iron is also sold as a supplement in the form of capsules, tablets, or liquid. In hospital settings, it can be administered through intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injection.[1]

    Dietary iron comes in two primary forms: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is more readily absorbed; it is formed when iron binds to a heterocyclic organic compound called porphyrin. Heme iron is a component of hemoproteins like hemoglobin (Hb), an oxygen transport protein, and myoglobin, an oxygen-storage protein found in muscle tissues. Animal products (e.g., meat, poultry, and fish) contain both heme and non-heme iron, whereas plant-based and iron-fortified foods only provide non-heme iron, which is less easily absorbed by the body.[1]

    Additionally, iron is a constituent of the iron-sulfur clusters (ISCs)[5] found in many proteins; iron is also present in proteins responsible for iron storage and transport (i.e., transferrin, lactoferrin, ferritin, hemosiderin).[6]

    What are iron’s main benefits?

    Iron plays a pivotal role in numerous biological functions and is often the first-line treatment for iron deficiency anemia (IDA). While specific guidelines exist for treating IDA with iron, there is still insufficient evidence to prove the benefits of iron supplementation in individuals with iron deficiency (ID) who are not anemic.[7]

    In clinical practice, iron is commonly prescribed to menstruating women due to the increased blood loss, and during pregnancy to meet heightened metabolic demands and prevent IDA, which could have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby.[8][9]

    ID is also a risk factor for heart failure (HF). Iron supplementation in individuals affected by HF appears to reduce the rates of hospitalization and the severity of HF symptoms.[10][11] Hemoglobin, ferritin and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) levels also seem to be increased by iron,[10] and one meta-analysis also noted that exercise capacity and quality of life were improved after iron supplementation in people with HF.[11]

    Iron is also a key component in the brain, and studies involving children have shown that supplementation may improve memory and concentration.[12] However, more quality research is needed to verify these results.

    The question of whether iron supplementation benefits infants and young adults remains a topic of debate necessitating further research. One meta-analysis, which included children and adolescents ranging from 1 month to 19 years old, found that iron supplementation increased Hb and ferritin levels, particularly with frequent supplementation over longer periods, and resulted in reduced prevalence of overall anemia, ID, and IDA.[13]

    Finally, one meta-analysis demonstrated that both oral and IV iron supplementation appeared to improve symptoms of restless leg syndrome (RLS). Specifically, IV supplementation with ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) was associated with a significant improvement in quality of life (QOL) scores, although it had no noticeable effect on sleep quality.[14]

    What are iron’s main drawbacks?

    Iron supplements should be used cautiously, only when required, and in accordance with recommended doses. Prolonged use of iron supplements or an excess of iron in the system can lead to adverse side effects.

    Iron supplements frequently result in gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, dark stool, heartburn, and constipation, and other side effects such as headache. This can be a significant challenge for individuals with IDA, who may find it difficult to adhere to their treatment recommendations.[12]

    Although ferritin, hemosiderin, and transferrin play essential roles in regulating iron levels in the system, an excessive amount of free iron can trigger the production of free radicals and increase oxidative stress. This can potentially lead to damage to proteins and cells, and harm the body.[15][16] Diseases characterized by iron overload include hemochromatosis, a hereditary disease in which iron builds up to toxic levels in the body, which can lead to damage to organs such as liver, joints pancreas or heart.[17]

    Additionally, multiple observational studies have reported that regular consumption of dietary iron, especially heme iron sourced from meat products, may predispose one to numerous diseases (e.g., type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease) and may increase the risk of some cancers (e.g., breast, colorectal, and esophageal cancer). However, the majority of these claims are based on self-reported food diaries or food questionnaires, and the level of evidence is weak. Furthermore, it’s important to highlight that processed meat does not only contain heme iron, but other potentially harmful substances (e.g., nitrite, nitrate, heterocyclic amines) which may be confounding factors that also raise the risk of some diseases.[17]

    In children, low doses of iron may cause diarrhea, but they do not appear to increase the risk of infections at the recommended dosage. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises monitoring children in countries at high risk of malaria when receiving iron supplementation, as it may both increase the risk of contracting the disease and potentially worsen its effects. The mechanism by which iron interacts with malaria is still not fully understood.[12][18]

    How does iron work?

    Understanding the process of iron absorption in the body is key to grasping its mechanism of action. The disparity in absorption between heme and non-heme iron has implications for the amount of elemental iron absorbed in the body, with heme iron, typically found in animal products, being absorbed more efficiently.[19]

    Both heme and non-heme iron are primarily absorbed in the duodenum and, to a lesser extent, in the upper jejunum (the first and second sections of the small intestine, respectively). Heme iron enters the gastrointestinal tract as ferrous iron (i.e., with a 2+ oxidation state), which is more easily absorbed, while non-heme iron is typically ingested in its ferric (3+) form. However, for non-heme iron to be absorbed, it must first be reduced into ferrous iron by reductase enzymes (e.g., ascorbate ferrireductase), or other compounds like vitamin C. Ferrous iron is then taken up by enterocytes lining the intestine through the divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), and then leaves these cells and enters the bloodstream via ferroportin. Once in the bloodstream, iron is converted back from ferrous to ferric iron and transported by transferrin to various organs and tissues.[20]

    After absorption, iron plays a crucial role in several reactions and biological processes within the body, many of which are centered around iron’s roles in protein function and oxygen transport and storage. Iron is required to form hemoglobin (an oxygen-transporter protein) and myoglobin (an oxygen-storage protein). Inadequate iron intake can hinder the production of healthy red blood cells, potentially leading to anemia. In mitochondria, iron serves as a cofactor in proteins that contain iron-sulfur clusters (e.g., flavoproteins), other heme-containing proteins involved in the electron transport chain (e.g., cytochrome c oxidase), and proteins that contain iron ions (e.g., monooxygenases and dioxygenases).[21][10] Additionally, iron is involved in cell growth and differentiation, electron transfer reactions for energy production, and the regulation of the expression of some genes.[15]

    Iron is also an essential nutrient for brain development and function. It plays a role in energy (ATP) production and neurotransmitter synthesis, as well as in the uptake and degradation of neurotransmitters, all of which are involved in behavior, memory, learning, and sensory systems.[12][22]

    It’s important to note that when iron supplements are taken to treat IDA, it usually takes about 3 months to replenish iron stores, and hemoglobin levels will increase gradually in the first month of supplementation.[23]

    What are other names for Iron

    Note that Iron is also known as:
    • Ferrous Sulfate
    • Ferrous Fumarate
    • Ferrous Gluconate
    • Ferrous Bisglycinate
    • Elemental Iron
    • Heme Iron Polypeptide

    Dosage information

    The recommended daily allowance (RDA) depends on gender, age, and whether you are pregnant or lactating:[1][2]

    0–6 months0.27 mg*0.27 mg*
    7–12 months11 mg11 mg
    1–3 years7 mg7 mg
    4–8 years10 mg10 mg
    9–13 years8 mg8 mg
    14–18 years11 mg15 mg27 mg10 mg
    19–50 years8 mg18 mg27 mg9 mg
    51+ years8 mg8 mg

    These values correspond to the RDA for total iron, which encompasses both dietary iron (iron assimilated from iron-rich foods) and iron supplements. The need for supplementation depends on the amount of iron absorbed from one's diet. It’s important to avoid exceeding the RDA to prevent excessive iron intake.[1]

    Notably, for infants up to 6 months of age, these values specifically refer to adequate intake (AI), because there is insufficient evidence to establish an RDA for this age group.[1] The Institute of Medicine (IOM) determined the daily AI by multiplying the average iron content in human milk (0.35 mg/L) by the average milk intake of exclusively breastfed infants (0.78 L/day), resulting in an AI of 0.27 mg/day of iron. These values don’t account for potential variations in the iron concentration of human milk.[3]

    For preterm breastfed infants, a daily oral iron dosage of approximately 2 mg/kg is estimated to be appropriate for preventing iron deficiency (ID) or iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in preterm breastfed babies. Term breastfed infants typically do not require additional iron until around 4 months, at which point supplementation with 1 mg/kg of iron may or may not be required depending on the infant's health status. Formula-fed preterm and term infants may require different dosages if iron supplementation is needed.[2]

    It is worth noting that iron is most effective when administered on an empty stomach or 2 hours after a meal. However, if iron supplements are poorly tolerated due to gastrointestinal side effects, a dose reduction or administration after a meal may be more suitable.[4]

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    Frequently asked questions

    What is iron?

    Iron is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. It occurs naturally in various foods such as oysters, legumes, chocolate, spinach, beef, and potatoes, and is added to some foods (e.g., cereals) as a fortification measure. Iron is also sold as a supplement in the form of capsules, tablets, or liquid. In hospital settings, it can be administered through intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injection.[1]

    Dietary iron comes in two primary forms: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is more readily absorbed; it is formed when iron binds to a heterocyclic organic compound called porphyrin. Heme iron is a component of hemoproteins like hemoglobin (Hb), an oxygen transport protein, and myoglobin, an oxygen-storage protein found in muscle tissues. Animal products (e.g., meat, poultry, and fish) contain both heme and non-heme iron, whereas plant-based and iron-fortified foods only provide non-heme iron, which is less easily absorbed by the body.[1]

    Additionally, iron is a constituent of the iron-sulfur clusters (ISCs)[5] found in many proteins; iron is also present in proteins responsible for iron storage and transport (i.e., transferrin, lactoferrin, ferritin, hemosiderin).[6]

    What are iron’s main benefits?

    Iron plays a pivotal role in numerous biological functions and is often the first-line treatment for iron deficiency anemia (IDA). While specific guidelines exist for treating IDA with iron, there is still insufficient evidence to prove the benefits of iron supplementation in individuals with iron deficiency (ID) who are not anemic.[7]

    In clinical practice, iron is commonly prescribed to menstruating women due to the increased blood loss, and during pregnancy to meet heightened metabolic demands and prevent IDA, which could have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby.[8][9]

    ID is also a risk factor for heart failure (HF). Iron supplementation in individuals affected by HF appears to reduce the rates of hospitalization and the severity of HF symptoms.[10][11] Hemoglobin, ferritin and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) levels also seem to be increased by iron,[10] and one meta-analysis also noted that exercise capacity and quality of life were improved after iron supplementation in people with HF.[11]

    Iron is also a key component in the brain, and studies involving children have shown that supplementation may improve memory and concentration.[12] However, more quality research is needed to verify these results.

    The question of whether iron supplementation benefits infants and young adults remains a topic of debate necessitating further research. One meta-analysis, which included children and adolescents ranging from 1 month to 19 years old, found that iron supplementation increased Hb and ferritin levels, particularly with frequent supplementation over longer periods, and resulted in reduced prevalence of overall anemia, ID, and IDA.[13]

    Finally, one meta-analysis demonstrated that both oral and IV iron supplementation appeared to improve symptoms of restless leg syndrome (RLS). Specifically, IV supplementation with ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) was associated with a significant improvement in quality of life (QOL) scores, although it had no noticeable effect on sleep quality.[14]

    Does iron supplementation improve pregnancy outcomes?

    Although iron is typically prescribed during pregnancy to prevent IDA,[8][9] regardless of the mother’s iron levels, more studies should be conducted to verify its benefits throughout pregnancy and after childbirth.

    One meta-analysis has assessed the effect of daily iron supplementation in pregnant iron-replete women and found that it may reduce both maternal IDA and maternal ID at term (i.e., at 37 weeks gestation or later). The results also suggested that daily oral iron supplementation may decrease the risk of newborns being small for gestational age (SGA) (i.e., having a birth weight below the 10th percentile for their gestational age) or low birthweight (LBW) (i.e., having a birth weight lower than 2500 g).[9] Another meta-analysis, which included pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age with IDA, found a significant increase in hemoglobin and ferritin levels following iron supplementation.[8] However, both meta-analyses presented high heterogeneity, risk of bias, and low to moderate levels of evidence, leaving some questions about the benefits and safety of preventative iron supplementation unanswered.

    How do different iron forms compare?

    Oral iron replacement therapy is typically the first-line treatment for IDA. Iron is available in different forms (e.g., tablets, liquid) and compounds (e.g., ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous bisglycinate, etc.), each of which provides different amounts of elemental iron.[23]

    Here are some of the most common forms of iron found in supplements:

    Iron salt formElemental iron (%)Elemental iron (mg)
    Ferrous sulfate2064
    Ferrous fumarate3399
    Ferrous gluconate1239

    Formulations containing ferrous iron (Fe2+) are more bioavailable, but they are also more likely to cause side effects. In contrast, ferric iron (Fe3+) preparations are usually better-tolerated but not as effective.[4]

    Ferrous bisglycinate is another popular iron form found in supplements, wherein iron is chelated to two glycine molecules. Ferrous bisglycinate is marketed as more bioavailable than the other iron salts, and as having fewer gastrointestinal side effects. Furthermore, due to its stable chemical structure, ferrous bisglycinate is less affected by common iron absorption inhibitors (e.g., phytates found in cereals). However, although results from a meta-analysis showed that while iron bisglycinate was more effective than other iron salts in increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women, in children its effectiveness was comparable to other iron preparations.[24]

    Heme iron polypeptide (HIP) is another form of iron. It is commonly produced from swine or bovine blood using enzymatic hydrolysis, in which heme iron is bound to peptides derived from the digested hemoglobin.[25] This form of iron has increased in popularity due to claims that it has enhanced bioavailability and fewer gastrointestinal side effects than other iron compounds. One study showed that when compared to ferrous fumarate, HIP taken with meals significantly increased iron absorption, but was not associated with side effects.[26] However, larger studies should be conducted to compare its efficacy and safety to other iron preparations.

    When iron is administered intravenously, IV ferric carboxymaltose and IV iron sucrose appear to be the most effective forms at increasing hemoglobin and ferritin levels within a period of four weeks.[27]

    Finally, one in vitro study compared modified-release iron supplements to immediate-release formulations and found that the slow-release tablets did not completely dissolve even after 24 hours, and iron uptake was considerably lower compared to regular tablets.[28] Although modified-release iron preparations may be better tolerated, with fewer side effects, they may not be as effective. These findings need further clarification through in vivo clinical studies.

    What is the impact of iron on physical activity?

    It remains unclear whether iron supplementation is beneficial for athletes with ID but not anemia, or for those with normal iron status. While there is some evidence that iron supplementation may improve fatigue in iron-deficient athletes and non-athletes,[7] and intensive training is a potential cause of iron depletion,[52] only a few studies have investigated the benefits of iron supplementation in athletes with adequate iron levels to replenish iron loss due to training.

    In one study involving iron-sufficient soccer players during training, iron supplementation was found to maintain ferritin and iron store levels, and these levels decreased once the supplementation was interrupted.[53] However, this study did not observe any significant difference in transferrin levels, which provide information on the iron levels required for erythropoiesis (red blood cell production), and it lacked a control group.

    In another study, swimmers between the ages of 12 and 17 were either given an iron supplement (47 mg iron daily) or instructed to consume an iron-rich diet. Both interventions failed to significantly alter either the participants’ iron status (measured as iron, ferritin, and transferrin levels) or their athletic performance.[54]

    Who else may benefit from iron supplementation?

    While most people obtain adequate iron from their diet, there are situations where iron supplementation may be required.[1] For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends daily oral iron supplementation for all children living in areas where anemia prevalence exceeds 40%.

    Frequent blood donation can also deplete iron levels, potentially leading to anemia, and therefore supplementation may be necessary, especially for people at high risk of deficiency, such as women.[58][59] However, evidence that iron supplementation is effective in preserving iron levels is still weak.

    Finally, individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet may need to increase their iron intake,[1] mainly because plant-based foods contain non-heme iron, which is not as bioavailable as the heme iron found in meat.

    What are iron’s main drawbacks?

    Iron supplements should be used cautiously, only when required, and in accordance with recommended doses. Prolonged use of iron supplements or an excess of iron in the system can lead to adverse side effects.

    Iron supplements frequently result in gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, dark stool, heartburn, and constipation, and other side effects such as headache. This can be a significant challenge for individuals with IDA, who may find it difficult to adhere to their treatment recommendations.[12]

    Although ferritin, hemosiderin, and transferrin play essential roles in regulating iron levels in the system, an excessive amount of free iron can trigger the production of free radicals and increase oxidative stress. This can potentially lead to damage to proteins and cells, and harm the body.[15][16] Diseases characterized by iron overload include hemochromatosis, a hereditary disease in which iron builds up to toxic levels in the body, which can lead to damage to organs such as liver, joints pancreas or heart.[17]

    Additionally, multiple observational studies have reported that regular consumption of dietary iron, especially heme iron sourced from meat products, may predispose one to numerous diseases (e.g., type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease) and may increase the risk of some cancers (e.g., breast, colorectal, and esophageal cancer). However, the majority of these claims are based on self-reported food diaries or food questionnaires, and the level of evidence is weak. Furthermore, it’s important to highlight that processed meat does not only contain heme iron, but other potentially harmful substances (e.g., nitrite, nitrate, heterocyclic amines) which may be confounding factors that also raise the risk of some diseases.[17]

    In children, low doses of iron may cause diarrhea, but they do not appear to increase the risk of infections at the recommended dosage. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises monitoring children in countries at high risk of malaria when receiving iron supplementation, as it may both increase the risk of contracting the disease and potentially worsen its effects. The mechanism by which iron interacts with malaria is still not fully understood.[12][18]

    How does iron work?

    Understanding the process of iron absorption in the body is key to grasping its mechanism of action. The disparity in absorption between heme and non-heme iron has implications for the amount of elemental iron absorbed in the body, with heme iron, typically found in animal products, being absorbed more efficiently.[19]

    Both heme and non-heme iron are primarily absorbed in the duodenum and, to a lesser extent, in the upper jejunum (the first and second sections of the small intestine, respectively). Heme iron enters the gastrointestinal tract as ferrous iron (i.e., with a 2+ oxidation state), which is more easily absorbed, while non-heme iron is typically ingested in its ferric (3+) form. However, for non-heme iron to be absorbed, it must first be reduced into ferrous iron by reductase enzymes (e.g., ascorbate ferrireductase), or other compounds like vitamin C. Ferrous iron is then taken up by enterocytes lining the intestine through the divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), and then leaves these cells and enters the bloodstream via ferroportin. Once in the bloodstream, iron is converted back from ferrous to ferric iron and transported by transferrin to various organs and tissues.[20]

    After absorption, iron plays a crucial role in several reactions and biological processes within the body, many of which are centered around iron’s roles in protein function and oxygen transport and storage. Iron is required to form hemoglobin (an oxygen-transporter protein) and myoglobin (an oxygen-storage protein). Inadequate iron intake can hinder the production of healthy red blood cells, potentially leading to anemia. In mitochondria, iron serves as a cofactor in proteins that contain iron-sulfur clusters (e.g., flavoproteins), other heme-containing proteins involved in the electron transport chain (e.g., cytochrome c oxidase), and proteins that contain iron ions (e.g., monooxygenases and dioxygenases).[21][10] Additionally, iron is involved in cell growth and differentiation, electron transfer reactions for energy production, and the regulation of the expression of some genes.[15]

    Iron is also an essential nutrient for brain development and function. It plays a role in energy (ATP) production and neurotransmitter synthesis, as well as in the uptake and degradation of neurotransmitters, all of which are involved in behavior, memory, learning, and sensory systems.[12][22]

    It’s important to note that when iron supplements are taken to treat IDA, it usually takes about 3 months to replenish iron stores, and hemoglobin levels will increase gradually in the first month of supplementation.[23]

    Which foods or supplements enhance iron absorption?

    Heme iron is more readily absorbed compared to non-heme iron, but the bioavailability of iron in the body can be influenced by several foods and dietary components. In individuals following a mixed diet, which includes fruit, vegetables, meat, and seafood, the bioavailability of iron ranges from approximately 14% to 18%. For vegetarian diets, iron bioavailability can range from 5% to 12%.[1]

    Animal protein appears to increase non-heme iron absorption from non-meat produce (e.g., vegetables, grains) when these foods are consumed in the same meal. However, this effect was less pronounced for wheat than for other plant-based foods.[29][30] Additionally, studies have yielded mixed results regarding the combination of pork meat with meals high in phytates (which can be found in certain legumes and vegetables), indicating that phytate may counteract the positive effects of animal protein on non-heme iron absorption.[31][32]

    It’s often recommended that iron be taken with Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplements or vitamin C-rich foods. Theoretically, ascorbic acid can facilitate the reduction of ferric iron to its more bioavailable form (ferrous iron), and can chelate iron ions (i.e., bond with them) to enhance their solubility and absorption from the intestines into the bloodstream.[33] Furthermore, ascorbate (a mineral salt of ascorbic acid) regulates the uptake of iron by transferrin, which is why scurvy (a disease resulting from a vitamin C deficiency) is often associated with some degree of iron-deficiency anemia.[34] However, two meta-analyses both found no difference in hemoglobin and ferritin levels when iron was supplemented with vitamin C, compared to iron alone,[33][35] suggesting that there is still limited clinical data on the benefits of combining iron and vitamin C.

    Which foods or supplements decrease iron absorption?

    Iron absorption can be reduced by other vitamins and minerals found both in supplements and foods.

    Multiple studies have found that calcium is a strong inhibitor of iron absorption, and avoiding the simultaneous use of calcium and iron supplements may be beneficial. In one study, calcium phosphate inhibited iron absorption from a ferrous sulfate supplement, whether taken with or without food. In contrast, calcium carbonate only inhibited iron absorption when both supplements were consumed with food, suggesting that if a combined iron and calcium carbonate supplement is required, it should be taken between meals.[36] Calcium citrate, on the other hand, reduced iron absorption both with and without food, but not to a statistically significant degree in one study[36], and reduced absorption of non-heme iron without food in another study.[37]. The impact of calcium chloride on iron absorption seems to vary depending on whether it’s taken with food[38] or without food.[39]

    Furthermore, a wide variety of beverages with a high antioxidant content, including coffee and tea, have some acute inhibitory effects on non-heme iron absorption. Coffee may reduce iron absorption,[40] possibly due to the presence of chlorogenic acid, a known iron chelator.[41] This mechanism can be extended to green coffee extract, which is an even richer source of chlorogenic acid. Tea, whether green[42] or black,[40] might inhibit iron absorption, possibly due to the presence of catechins[42] and theaflavins.[43] Infusions of chamomile, lime flower, pennyroyal, peppermint, and vervain may also reduce non-heme iron absorption.[40]

    Rosemary (a source of rosmarinic acid), rich in phytic and phenolic acid, has also been shown to reduce non-heme iron absorption.[42]

    Additionally, in one randomized controlled trial, people with beta-thalassemia who took 500 mg of quercetin (a chelator of iron[44]) per day for 12 weeks alleviated iron overload (a common complication of beta-thalassemia), notably reducing serum iron, ferritin, and inflammatory markers.[45]

    Lastly, although zinc has the potential to reduce the absorption of iron, the effect is inconsistent, and the strength of this effect is unclear, with different studies reporting varying results.[13][46][47][48][49] The interaction between zinc and iron seems to be linked to competition for transporters in the liver, such as divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), human copper transporter 1 (hCTR1),[50] and ZRT/IRT-like protein 14 (Zip14).[51] Taking zinc between meals is likely a good way to prevent any interference with iron absorption.

    It’s important to note that the typical Western diet is complex and rich in both iron absorption enhancers and inhibitors, whose effects may both be attenuated when these substances are consumed simultaneously.[1]

    Is intermittent or alternate-day iron supplementation more effective than daily supplementation?

    Iron supplementation is often associated with gastrointestinal side effects, which may impact treatment adherence. As a result, researchers have explored different dosages and frequencies of supplementation.

    One meta-analysis looked at intermittent (once, twice, or three times per week) iron supplementation vs. daily supplementation for improving iron status and preventing anemia in menstruating adolescent and adult women. Both had similar effects on hemoglobin levels and the risk of anemia. However, daily supplementation proved more effective in increasing ferritin levels (although with low quality of evidence), which may be especially significant in populations with a high prevalence of ID, which is characterized by adequate levels of hemoglobin but low ferritin and/or transferrin saturation.[55] Moreover, there were no significant differences in treatment adherence or in the side effects experienced among participants in the two groups.[18] There is currently no evidence that intermittent supplementation offers advantages in terms of fewer side effects or improved adherence compared to daily supplementation.

    In another study, iron-depleted (but not deficient) participants took the same iron dose either daily or on alternate days for 14 and 28 days, respectively. The alternate-day dosing regimen resulted in reduced levels of hepcidin (a hormone responsible for regulating iron homeostasis in the body) and greater iron absorption. However, the impact on iron status remained unclear because there were no notable differences in serum iron, ferritin, or hemoglobin levels between the two groups at the end of the trial. Additionally, the alternate-day dosing group reported experiencing less nausea but more headaches.[56] A subsequent study by the same author, including individuals with ID, confirmed these findings. However, the study’s duration was too short to assess the long-term effects on iron status.[57]

    Update History


    1. ^Iron Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. MedlinePlus. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS). Updated 2023 Jun 15; cited 2023 December 5
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